How to Treat and Get Rid of Back Acne

Most of us have been there. Body acne is annoying, especially when you don't know the cause of it and no matter what you're doing it doesn't seem to go away.

What causes Back Acne?

People with oily skin are more prone to back acne, also referred to as "bacne". Oil, along with dead skin cells that are not exfoliated properly clog the follicles and bacteria may be trapped inside. Changes in hormones also cause back acne.

There are different types of acne lesions that you can get:

  • Whiteheads (closed comedones)
  • Blackheads
  • Papules - small red bumps on the skin
  • Pustules / pimples - white or yellow pus-filled papule with a reddened base.
  • Nodules - when it develops deep beneath the surface of the skin - forms a large and painful nodule.
  • Cysts - Larger and pus-filled acne lesions. Very painful and can even scarr the skin.

How to Treat and Prevent Back Acne?

1. Change your diet

This has made the most difference for me. Eat more foods that reduce inflammation: tomatoes, olive oil, green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale, avocado, fatty fish, nuts, fruits such as oranges, cherries and blueberries.

Avoid food that causes inflammation: refined carbs, dairy, soda, red meat, french fries and margarine.

2. Always shower after a workout

Shower as soon as you can after your workout. Do not let sweat and dirt sit for long on your skin. And don't forget about your workout clothes - They need to be washed regularly, too.

3. Topical Treatments

Shower at least every other day and use a scrub/body wash that contains salicylic acid or a sulfur bar soap. Salicylic acid helps reduce inflammation, as well as dissolves dirt, oil and dead skin cells that clog the pores.
Sulfur dries out the surface of your skin to remove excess sebum that may cause breakouts. It is gentler than salicylic acid, suitable for sensitive skin types.

However these two do not cut it for moderate acne, so if you have not seen any results it's time to move to benzoyl peroxide. It works by penetrating the pore and killing the bacteria that get trapped inside and cause you to break out.

If you have nodules or cysts I recommend consulting your dermatologists. They're harder to treat and require medication and extractions, which you cannot perform yourself.

4. Check your skincare & haircare products

Avoid using skincare like moisturizers that contains oil or comedogenic ingredients. They can clog your pores and cause inflammation which can lead to acne.

If you have long hair, your hair is in contact with your back most of the time, especially in the summer. Make sure that to keep your hair off your back and check your hair products for ingredients that may aggravate your acne.

5. Change your laundry detergent

This is one of those things that we don't really think about. However, products that contain fragrance can irritate the skin and worsen breakouts. If you're seeing that your acne is not going away even after trying treatments it could be the laundry detergent so it's best to go for unscented and gentle detergents.

6. Avoid excessive sun exposure

There is this myth that sun can help clear up acne which is not true. Sun exposure can actually worsen acne and you risk of getting hyperpigmentation as well. If you must stay in the sun, always wear an oil-free sunscreen.

Do you have any tips that have helped you clear out your back acne? Share below!

How to Treat and Get Rid of Back Acne How to Treat and Get Rid of Back Acne Reviewed by Anna B. on October 13, 2019 Rating: 5

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